Clio Documentation ================== Clio is a modern, functional, parallel programming language targeting decentralised and distributed systems. It is made to take advantage of multiple CPUs and CPU cores (parallelism) by default, to run on clusters and on the cloud easily. Clio compiles to JavaScript. This enables Clio to run in the browser and on servers, and anywhere JavaScript can run. Furthermore, Clio can take advantage of the JavaScript ecosystem, tools and libraries. On this website, you will find numerous useful information about Clio, its history and you can learn how to use it. .. playground:: :height: 640 fn fib n: if n < 2: n else: (fib n - 1) + (fib n - 2) export fn main argv: [39 40 41 42] -> * [await] |fib| -> * (console.log @it) Click on the run button to run the above example, or continue reading on this article to learn more about the language! Check out the `change log`_ to learn what's new in this release. .. attention:: Clio was recently rewritten from scratch, some parts of this document have been updated to reflect the new changes, but not all pages are updated. This documentation is a work in progress. .. _here:*%20await%20%7Cfib%7C%0A%20%20%20%20-%3E%20*%20item%3A%20console.log%20item .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Table of Contents self install quick platforms medium tutorial/index cli/index modules/index tools/index debug/index reference/index development/index links/index changes support Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` .. _`change log`: ./changes.html