Hash maps ========= Clio supports hash maps. There are several ways to define a hash map, first is defining them in a linear fashion: .. playground:: :height: 320 export fn main argv: # x: 10 y: 16 -> console.log Second way, is to use idents. Indents also can be used to make nested hash maps: .. playground:: :height: 600 export fn main argv: # app: version: "1.0.1" name: "My App" window: height: 100 width: 300 title: "Hello world!" -> console.log The third way, is a combination of linear, and indented hash map syntax: .. playground:: :height: 600 export fn main argv: # app: version: "1.0.1" name: "My App" window: height: 100 width: 300 title: "Hello world!" -> console.log